Finieris no Kazahstānas

Finieris jeb saplāksnis ir ļoti daudzpusīgs būvmateriāls, kas plaši izmantots gan amatnieciskajos, gan profesionālajos projektos. Šis materiāls tiek ražots no kārtaini salīmējot finiera plāksnes, tādejādi iegūstot izcilu stiprību un stabilitāti. Ņemot vērā tās īpašības, finieris cena ir izdevīga dažādu konstrukciju izveidei – gan iekštelpās, gan ārpus tām. Mitrumizturīgs finieris ir īpaši piemērots vides apstākļiem, kur var rasties augsts mitruma līmenis, pateicoties tam, ka šāda veida saplāksnis ir apstrādāts, lai izturētu mitrumu. Īpaši populārs ir bērza finieris, kas ir izturīgs un pievilcīgas izskata dēļ iecienīts interjera un mēbeļu ražošanā. Savukārt ūdensizturīgs finieris ir piemērots ekstremālākiem apstākļiem, piemēram, āra būvprojektos, kur materiālam jāspēj izturēt tiešu ūdens iedarbību. Mūsdienās arvien vairāk pieprasījuma ir pēc laminēta finiera, kas apvieno finiera dabisko izskatu ar papildu aizsargājošu slāni, nodrošinot vēl lielāku izturību pret nodilumu un ārējiem faktoriem. Construction Art piedāvā plašu finiera plākšņu klāstu, kas apmierinās dažādākās prasības un vajadzības. Katrs projekts ir unikāls, un mūsu speciālisti var palīdzēt izvēlēties atbilstošāko produktu par ļoti labu cenu. 

Piedāvāju lielos apjomos ar ļoti lielām atlaidēm!

Weitzer Parkett


My name is Ingus and I proudly represent Weitzer Parkett . As the official partner of Weitzer Parkett in Sweden, we hold exclusive rights for the Swedish market, offering the finest quality parquet products. So we have the honour to be the only ones ambassadors in Sweden for Weitzer Parkett.

We intend to introduce the new brand, Weitzer Parkett, into the Swedish market. Following a recent visit to the Weitzer Parkett factory, we recognised the significant potential they hold for the market through their ongoing innovations.

Recognising the substantial volume of project requests you likely receive; we are enthusiastic to participating in such endeavours with Weitzer Parkett.

We believe that these collaborative efforts will not only contribute to the success of individual projects but also foster a mutually beneficial partnership between our organisations.

Why to choose Weitzer Parkett?

It is a family-owned company in Austria with nearly two centuries of expertise. Weitzer Parkett is recognised as one of the leaders in high-quality parquet production and known as one of the greenest factories in Europe. We choose Weitzer Parkett as our partner for their unwavering commitment to professionalism, innovative practices, and extensive industry experience.

The quality for the price Weitzer Parkett offer, is way better than others in Swedish market. I know you have experience with other parquet producers and sometimes not the best one. This parquet is not only better quality, but also easier and faster to lay. We have previously supplied Weitzer Parkett for projects and our clients always have been satisfied with result.

For several years we work with projects and our target is to not only offer parquet for the projects, but also bring them in to the building material stores.

Providing our customers with the best quality materials is the most important to us and I believe that You will be able to appreciate a good quality parquet.

To understand better about Weitzer Parkett, we could arrange face-to-face meeting, so I can show you small presentation, quality and introduce you with other products and innovations Weitzer Parkett are manufacturing. We can offer not only parquet floor with different appearances (planks, block, strips), but also Warm parquet, underlay, cleaning materials, parquet for staircases and so on. For better understanding about their products, we could invite WP representative for presentation.

I also have attached the the link to Weitzer Parkett certificates and I wanted to mention that we have currently started the process to obtain the Svanen certificate. As you might know it could take several months to receive the certificate, but as Weitzer Parkett have Blue Angel certification that is 1:1 to Svanen, we believe it will take less time than usual.

Link to presentation and certificates: